Auto Zürich

There is hardly any other motor show where trade fair architecture takes centre stage as much as at Auto Zürich. This is because it is usually the individualexhibitors who build and design their stands themselves. Visually, this is usually a potpourri. Above all, however, it always means a considerable amount of planning,coordination and realisation work for the exhibitors.

In Zurich, a different approach is deliberately taken: the ‘plug & play principle’ applies here. Exhibitors occupy fully prepared exhibition stands and only bear theorganisational effort required to bring the respective exhibits to the exhibition halls in Zurich.

Plug & Play

The structure is an interplay of design and technology that sets standards in terms of functionality,quality of stay and sustainability. This creates a consistent appearance for all brands, regardless ofbudget. And all this at a high-quality and very contemporary level.

For visitors, the result is a walk-in platform that is characterised by a high degree of clarity, intuitivecommunication and a superior quality of experience despite the variety of themes and offers.

Multiple use of exhibition elements

The exhibition stand construction elements used are comparatively solidly built, easy to repair and thusspecifically designed for durability and reusability.

Auto Zürich 2024 marks the fourth time this concept has been implemented. This offer now reachesaround 97% of all exhibitors in the new car segment. And with the third reuse of all key elements, itonce again proves that the principle of sustainability and quality is a living reality at Auto Zürich.

Covered interior walls

The exhibition architecture at Auto Zürich places the exhibits particularly strongly in the visitors' field ofperception. Wall elements made of black textile material conceal the appearance of the hallinfrastructure. The dark background gives the vehicles a particularly striking appearance.

In combination with a correspondingly optimised lighting concept, a selective illuminated atmosphere iscreated. This directs the focus onto the exhibits.

Defined position of the exhibits

The predefined system for arranging the exhibits not only complies with even the strictest requirements of current safety concepts, but also offers visitors maximum orientation and freedom of manoevre around the vehicle.

Modular light concept

The basic stand price automatically includes standard lighting for the exhibits. This is provided bymodern LED floodlights and covers the entire exhibition area.

Additional lighting packages are available to provide even higher quality daylight quality spot lighting,allowing exhibits to be individually illuminated for even greater impact.

Communicating ceilings

Ceiling mounted communication provides visibility and orientation and also acts as a design element toadd visual appeal.

This effect can be significantly enhanced by means of an optional additional package, thus improving thelong-distance impact of the brand presence in question.

Communicating floors

The optional floor markings are part of the visitor communication to visualise the different driveconcepts.

Auto Zürich thus offers a comparatively efficient and effective orientation aid:

− Optional floor markings for use with conventional drive types in white
− Optional floor markings for use with electric drives in green
− Optional floor markings for use with hybrid drives in blue

Omission of carpets

Conserving resources and avoiding waste is one of Auto Zürich's clearly defined attitudes. With greatambition, a departure from the ‘take-make-waste principle’, which still characterises the event industry inmany cases, is being pursued.

The new trade fair construction concept offered the opportunity not only to score points with an optimalcost-benefit ratio for exhibitors, but also to strengthen the environmental awareness of all thoseinvolved.

One example of this is the decision to dispense with around 19,000m2 of carpeting. Instead, the vehiclesnow stand on the hall floor, which, in contrast to deep-pile carpets, largely corresponds to their naturalhabitat.

Multifunctional column

The optional multifunctional column combine functionality with a filigree design that does not obstructthe view of exhibits from any visual axis.

This in-house development not only serves as an information carrier, but also ensures that the exhibitsare supplied with power without interfering cable ducts.

In addition to the basic configuration, the multifunctional column can also be extended with electronicinformation carriers thanks to its modular design.